Thursday, March 12, 2020

Flipping the Script

So as of tomorrow, I am a distance teacher. My students are at home and our classes will take place virtually. There is so much responsibility for all of this if it is to work. I thought I might chronicle this journey (since I never used this blog for anything else) and see if my insights help any other teachers.

Here is the plan:
1) I'm utilizing Google Hangouts Meet and Google Calendar to provide my students with links to our video conferencing. You can use a laptop, but I am going to use my iPad to connect with them.

2) I am going to prerecord my lessons so that after we meet for a quick discussion of homework and taking of our homework checks, the girls can go off and watch the lesson/take notes.

3) We will come back together about 30 minutes later for any questions and clarifications.

It's bare bones, but that's the plan. I'm going to need to come up with some interesting things so that we don't get bored. It's a long time. :)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Chronicling the Awesome

It's been 19 years since I first stepped foot in my own classroom.  In that time, I've gone through a crazy number of different ways to explain math to my students and make it stick.  We've danced, drawn pictures, memorized funny poems.  Sometimes things work and some times they flop.

More recently, I've struggled with students who are learning math just to do well on a test.  They learn material for a specific test and promptly forget it.  This year is all about making changes so that what they know sticks in their brains and can easily be applied when called to do so.

This blog is my chronicle of the changes I am making to encourage my students to truly learn and understand math.  I am so excited about these changes because they are challenging me to be a better teacher.  My hope is that the things I share will help other teachers as well.

The documents I will share are free* and are inspired by other teachers I admire across the internet.  Many of them are younger than I am and their enthusiasm has rekindled my love of teaching.  Let's see if that love makes a difference this year!

*Please feel free to use these documents and share them with others.  Please do NOT take them and claim them as your own.